Will you join us at WEBMU 2011?

There’s a poll up at the ExpatBloggersInGermany.com board seeking your input. Just a real basic question — “Are you coming to the Whiny Expat Blogger MeetUp 2011?” — and Yes/No/Maybe options for your response. You can change your vote as often as you like while the hosts are planning the agenda.

If you’re an expatriate living in Germany blogging in English, come on out to Cologne in October for a weekend of laughter and comiserating. If you’re new to our discussion board, you can register right there too — just don’t forget to mention your blog’s internet address and your (rough) location in Germany.

2 thoughts on “Will you join us at WEBMU 2011?”

  1. ian in hamburg

    What if you horribly neglect your blog and wonder whether you’ll even post again but still want to go? Then I’ll go.

    1. Sarah

      You were a host for Hamburg, though! Doesn’t that earn you a lifetime pass?

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